
Strange Goings On

Nell: You’re not going to believe this.

Me: Is it snowing?

Nell: No, I think we’re too close to the sea for all that.

Me: What’s happened?

Nell: David just told me something extremely troubling.

Me: If you’re referring to the scrambled egg disaster, I already know.

Nell: What are you talking about?

Me: Dave ate Sir Roger Blubbery’s scrambled eggs.

Nell: What was Sir Roger doing here for breakfast? He usually has his with Princess in the pool.

Me: It’s too cold this morning, Nell.

Nell: They’re seals. They like the cold.

Me: They’re Devon seals and they’re royal. It’s completely different.

Nell: They’re not royal. Poppy knighted Sir Roger. Remember?

Me: Anyway, what did Dave tell you?

Nell: He found something odd in the back garden.

Me: That’s not news. I’d be surprised if he didn’t find something odd in the back garden. We’ve let it grow wild.

Nell: It was a blue mushroom.

Me: A blue mushroom? Now, that is odd.

Nell: Told you.

Me: He didn’t eat it, did he?

Nell: Of course not. It wasn’t real.

Me: How did he see it then?

Nell: I meant it was a fake mushroom.

Me: I see. Very interesting.

Nell: And that isn’t all.

Me: Go on.

Nell: It was speaking French.

Me: Okay, now I know you’re winding me up.

Nell: I am not.

Me: Are you seriously trying to tell me that Dave found a French speaking fake blue mushroom in the back garden?

Nell: Yes. I have the photos to prove it.

Me: Well, I’ve heard it all now. What was it saying?

Nell: He doesn’t know. David doesn’t speak French.

Me: It might not even be French then. It could be Swedish.

Nell: It mentioned a baguette.

Me: Right, that makes complete sense. Sorry.

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