
Best of Both Worlds

Me: There you three are.

Nell: We decided to go up to Kev’s studio for some Rest and Recuperation.

Me: You’re usually in the garden at this time of the morning.

Nell: Up here we can enjoy the Best of Both Worlds.

Me: What do you mean?

Nell: Kev has the fan on so we can enjoy a cool breeze while warming ourselves in the sunshine.

Me: Why do you need Rest and Recuperation?

Nell: If you’d joined in Glide with Gladys you would know.

Me: You’re not supposed to be doing vigorous exercise.

Nell: I was just watching. The sight of Welsh corgis in lycra is going to stay with me all day.

Me: Oh dear.

Nell: And why the footless socks ?

Me: I think they are leg warmers.

Nell: In this heat? I half expected Olivia Newton-John to turn up and start singing ‘Xanadu’.

Me: I’m surprised the corgis found leg warmers in their size. They’ve got such little legs.

Nell: Knitwear Wolf offers them in all sizes. It’s part of his retro sport range. Why are you wearing a dress?

Me: It’s my positive dress. I’m going to the dentist and I need confidence.

Nell: I see.

Me: Do you know there are dentists who allow dogs and even encourage them as a form of therapy to help the patient relax?

Nell: Don’t even think about it. I am going nowhere.

Me: I know that, Nell. There are enough rules and regulations at the moment. They would have a fit if I turned up with a dog.

Nell: Well, why did you suggest it then?

Me: I just meant that I would feel so much better if you were with me.

Nell: I am with you. In spirit. You and Me. Always. Remember?

Me: Yes. Sorry.

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