
You can’t just give yourself a title

Nell: That’s my sister Daisy when she came to visit me 7 years ago. We are playing Bitey Faces.

Me: I know. You were so pleased to see her.

Nell: Yes. We were only 5 months old. Daisy was always much smaller than me.

Me: Yes. Like Dave and Harriet.

Nell: I beg your pardon? We’re nothing like David and Harriet. I am not twice Daisy’s size.

Me: No. Of course not.

Nell: As if I don’t have enough to deal with today.

Me: Why?

Nell: Little Marvin is on antibiotics.

Me: Yes. He had a rough start in life but he is safely with Chris and Shannon now.

Nell: And Knitwear Wolf is a Canadian prince.

Me: Yes, that was a bit of a surprise. I don’t think he is an actual prince though, Nell.

Nell: Why is he called Prince Rupert then? You can’t just give yourself a title, you know.

Me: I think he is named after the area he comes from. Prince Rupert is a port in British Columbia.

Nell: If Shel and Jaime hadn’t been here Knitwear Wolf might have remained in disguise.

Me: Yes. It was when they were discussing fish and swimming that Prince Rupert revealed his identity. He was so pleased to meet some fellow Canadians.

Nell: I’m sorry. I’m not calling that animal Prince. It’s Knitwear Wolf, or Rupert. Who pretends to be Alaskan, anyway?

Me: To be fair it wasn’t Rupert who did the pretending. We thought he was Alaskan.

Nell. Anyway, he’s got a meeting with The Cat later about a possible knitwear line. Apparently Alejandro and the Welsh corgis are on board.

Me: Alejandro and the corgis? Have they started a band?

Nell: No. Alejandro has the wool and all corgis knit. Do keep up.

Me: Yes. Sorry.

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