
David has a Rider

Nell: That second photo of Harriet is most unflattering.

Me: It’s an action shot.

Nell: You can’t just go around posting that.

Me: Harriet doesn’t mind. She’s an outdoorsy sort of animal.

Nell: What’s that got to do with anything?

Me: She’s not obsessed with her looks, like some.

Nell: I hope you’re not referring to me.

Me: Of course not. You’re a classic beauty and you know it.

Nell: I suppose my friend Dorothy can be a little vain, but a lot of the Salcombe setters are, to be honest.

Me: Gladys has her moments.

Nell: She’s a Pomeranian. It’s the hair.

Me: And so does Princess.

Nell: Anyone who continuously claps themselves has a problem, if you ask me.

Me: It’s a seal thing.

Nell: Sir Roger Blubbery doesn’t do it.

Me: True.

Nell: I’m afraid David might be getting a little carried away with all the publicity he’s been receiving over this Best Mayor competition.

Me: My darling Big Brave Beautiful Boy just loves attention.

Nell: He has a rider now, you know.

Me: I know he’s the size of a small pony but I wouldn’t put a jockey on his back.

Nell: No, a rider as in a set of requirements when he’s performing. Like a pop star.

Me: Seriously? What is it?

Nell: Bacon, obviously, and Yorkshire puddings with gravy.

Me: I’m not sure gravy is a good idea.

Nell: Exactly what I said. The bacon needs to be in a sandwich, too.

Me: What would your rider be?

Nell: I’m a lady Labrador of simple tastes. A pot of Earl Grey, a selection of sandwiches, crusts off, some scones with jam and cream and a slice of Victoria sponge should suffice.

Me: You’ve thought about that, haven’t you?

Nell: Hasn’t everyone?

Me: Yes. Sorry.

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