
Light and Shade

Me: It was lovely down on the beach, wasn’t it?

Nell: It always is.

Me: I thought the sky reflected what we’re going through at the moment.

Nell: What do you mean?

Me: Light and shade. A huge grey cloud on one side and blue sky on the other.

Nell: I see.

Me: The grey cloud is our fear for Alex and the blue sky is our joy in spending time together.

Nell: It’s a strange mixture of emotions.

Me: Alex is still fighting and the consultant said it’s a good sign that she is still with us.

Nell: They are doing everything they can.

Me: But if she pulls through, the way back is going to be a long one and things may never be the same.

Nell: We will deal with all of that together.

Me: All three of her children are by her side.

Nell: They are.

Me: And I know what a comfort that is. Having the whole family here has been wonderful.

Nell: It has. David is going to struggle with Chris and Shannon leaving today.

Me: He loves all the attention. Darling Big Brave Beautiful Boy.

Nell: I’ve tried to explain to him that they can’t stay. Their home is in Canada with Marvin.

Me: It’s hard for him to accept. Faye is going to miss Shannon terribly. They’ve really bonded.

Nell: The good thing is that they’ll be back in the summer.

Me: Yes.

Nell: And Alice and the children are here with us for another week.

Me: Such a precious time.

Nell: Yes. Family is everything.

Me: It really is. In times like this love is what keeps you going.

Nell: There’s plenty of that to go around.

Me: There is.

Nell: So, let’s concentrate on the blue sky.

Me: Yes. Sorry.

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