
Sunday preparations

Me: The puppies are still asleep on my bed. I thought they were leaving first thing.

Nell: The mission has been delayed.

Me: Why?

Nell: For a number of reasons. David feels they will all be stronger after a Sunday roast.

Me: He has a point.

Nell: You aren’t well which worries them.

Me: I’m fine. It’s just a cold.

Nell: You had pneumonia once.

Me: This isn’t pneumonia.

Nell: You were coughing all night.

Me: Any other reasons?

Nell: There is an awful lot to organise. David and Rupert have decided to help Alejandro pull the wagon so strong boots are needed.

Me: Good.

Nell: Gladys has requested rain hats and raincoats in yellow although The Cat favours dark green.

Me: Dark green blends in.

Nell: Yellow is better so they can be seen in traffic.

Me: But they don’t want to be seen.

Nell: A covered wagon pulled by an alpaca, a giant Labrador and a wolf in a cardigan is not exactly blending in, is it?

Me: I’m so glad Knitwear Wolf will be there.

Nell: The Welsh corgi choir are knitting thick soft socks for everyone.

Me: I don’t think Henry wears socks.

Nell: Henry will wear a body warmer.

Me: What about food?

Nell: Poppy is busy baking. Scones, sandwiches, Madeira cake and shortbread.

Me: Is she going too?

Nell: Yes. She’s taking her sword and leaving Malcolm here to run the kitchen.

Me: I bet Malcolm wants to go with Susan.

Nell: I’m afraid a polite flamingo on a wild and windy moor is as much use as a wet towel to a shivering dog.

Me: That’s a bit harsh. Poor Malcolm.

Nell: Malcolm is sensible. There is strength in knowing what you can and can’t do. Go back to bed.

Me: Yes. Sorry.

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