

Me: You look exhausted.

Nell: This time they have gone too far.

Me: Who?

Nell: The farm dogs of course. Wretched paparazzi.

Me: Excuse me?

Nell: I was enjoying a quiet breakfast when I looked out of the window and there they were.

Me: Where?

Nell: In our garden.

Me: Goodness me!

Nell: Cameras at the ready.

Me: No!

Nell: Oh yes. Snapping away like there’s no tomorrow. Dreadful animals.

Me: What did you do?

Nell: Poppy is Head of Security, as you may know, and fortunately she was with me at the time.

Me: Yes.

Nell: She had just dipped her soldier into her boiled egg and it was perfect so she was particularly annoyed at the disturbance.

Me: I hate it when you have to leave a dippy egg. So annoying.

Nell: Exactly. Anyway, she grabbed her sword and was off.

Me: Did she get them?

Nell: The villains jumped the fence and ran. I suspect those reporters at Hot Dog are behind this. Trashy gossip is all they print and those farm dogs will do anything for money.

Me: Maybe we should buy a copy just to check you aren’t in it.

Nell: How dare you even suggest it. Hot Dog is not coming in to my house. I can’t expose the puppies to such rubbish.

Me: Yes, sorry.

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