
Clearing Up

Me: Why are you sitting in the yellow chair with your head in a saucepan?

Nell: Never you mind.

Me: I do mind.

Nell: If you must know, there was some scrambled egg leftover from breakfast and Herr Hoffmann thought I could help.

Me: Isn’t that Dave’s job?

Nell: Not always. What are you doing downstairs, anyway? You’re supposed to be resting.

Me: This horrid earache doesn’t let me rest.

Nell: Back upstairs at once, please.

Me: You just want to finish that scrambled egg in peace.

Nell: Stop arguing. I’ll be up in a moment.

Me: How was your massage and hydro with Chloe?

Nell: Fine.

Me: She said you just floated in your life jacket.

Nell: Some days it’s best to float.

Me: The whole idea is to exercise your legs.

Nell: Stop fussing.

Me: I don’t think I’m going to be able to go to my aqua class on Friday.

Nell: Of course you can’t.

Me: I don’t like to miss it.

Nell: You can’t jump around in water with earache. Try and be a little sensible.

Me: I’m falling apart.

Nell: That’s enough. You’re tired and emotional because you haven’t slept properly.

Me: Probably.

Nell: Definitely. Now, leave me to complete my task in peace.

Me: Eating scrambled eggs isn’t really a task.

Nell: I’m under time pressure. This needs to go in the dishwasher.

Me: I’m sure Dave would help.

Nell: David is far too busy to be bothered with eggs.

Me: My darling Big Brave Beautiful Boy always makes time for food.

Nell: Not today. He has a photo shoot with the Daily Growl.

Me: Why?

Nell: He’s been shortlisted for Best Mayor in the Regional Finals.

Me: Best Mayor? I’ve never heard of that.

Nell: Can I finish this, please?

Me: Yes. Sorry.

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